Sunday, March 11

CTE Workers: A Night Gathering with the Children [video]

This is the most recent Video Documentary  on the CTE Workers Strike, shot 2 days before their evacuation from the Labour Office and National Security Buea, having lived there for closed to 6months (click on CTE ). Their evacuation came after an agreement was reached between govenment officials and the Tea Workers Representatives in the meeting held in Yaounde early this march  (towards resolving the CTE Crisis).  

Government says solution to be sought within 9months!
"Each day, I head for the Labour office, hoping to hear my mother tells me it is over! Finally, let's go home today together. Instead she says: my daughter, we are still waiting on the government to make a statement. Since September 12th till today March 3rd, it remains the same story. Nothing has change. And just like my friends whose parents are also here, we got tired of waiting and hearing the same story all the time. So, today-- we decided to come and stay with our parents. sleep on the same bare floor". Emelda Aka, daughter to an Ex-CTE Worker.

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